Life at the 27

final.jpgHowdy international students! Welcome to Sciences Po, and Paris. For those we met at the International Students pique-nique yesterday, it was lovely knowing you. If you missed us, it is time to catch up, still. So, you may wonder, what is LaPéniche? We are a student club, created a few years ago in 2006. Giving momentum to the student life is our global goal, and we try to achieve it through various activities.

news/ We cover as much life at Sciences Po as possible, through interviews, columns, and short reports. If, say, a guest lecturer is coming next week, or the Bureau des Arts is holding one of its annual events, we will write about it. Each week, you will find 3 to 4 new articles in the Actu (stands for actualité) section.

culture & the arts/ We do think that life outside Sciences Po is worth writing about, too. That is why we write cultural columns about an exhibition we might have liked, or a place that you guys should definitely check in the Magazine section.

careers/ Students are often in the need of information about career plans, job opportunities, and personal accounts that share experience. Therefore we try, through alumni interviews, to investigate the professional life after Sciences Po in Sciences Po, et après ?

Eventually, our photographs cover every student night at Sciences Po. We go on the field, ask your permission, and clic-clac, take pictures. They are always online the morning after, in the  »Photos » section. Some will be posted on our facebook profile too.

We thought that you might like to read some useful articles for new students that we have published by the past. They are not comprehensive, but will give you a sample of what we do:

The last Welcome Program of 2008-2009 ;
How to borrow DVDs at the BdA ;
Scholarships: What, where, and when ;
Where to eat around the 27 ;
the Basile café ;
Interview of Richard Descoings ;

By the way, we welcome everyone that would like to write for us; no strings attached, just shout out an email to with the topic you’d like to write about. We do welcome articles in English, too. In fact, we have published some last year:

Paris & Sciences Po seen by an American student ;
Some thoughts on Parisian style.

So far,

LaPé team.

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