Math in Sciences Po : more problems than solutions ?
Un article de Mariam Ben Slama pour le Sundial Press Equations, derivatives and vectors are things most students thought they left behind after finishing high school, and who can blame them? After all, aren’t we in a Social Sciences university ? Yet students are still required to take a Math class that is worth 3 credits during the first semester of their first year. Why are they taught in Sciences Po ? It might not seem like much and most people might think that just because Math is not as important as History or Political Institutions it must be…
Jacquet accepts the new Paris role
Un article de Madeline Covino pour le Sundial Press On July 3, the students of Sciences Po Campus of Reims received an email from Director Nathalie Jacquet, announcing the end of her nearly seven year long tenure as Director of the Reims Campus as well as her impending move to the Paris campus. There, she will replace Brigitte Taittinger-Jouyet as head of the Strategy and Development department and will work to “define a strategy of cooperation between Sciences Po and different important networks…” through donors, corporations, and alumni. What does this means for the future of Reims ? Despite the…
Réforme du Collège U : les programmes 2A précisés
Un article de Luka De Silva & Laetitia Laali, pour le journal The Sundial de Reims. Bénédicte Durand, la doyenne du Collège Universitaire de Sciences Po et Nathalie Jacquet, la directrice du campus de Reims ont répondu favorablement à notre demande d’interview, dans le but d’informer le corps étudiant des conséquences de la délocalisation prochaine des élèves du Collège Universitaire de Paris à Reims et des enjeux de la réforme Sciences Po 2022. « Homogénéisation du curriculum, cohérence académique et diversité internationale » La réforme s’appliquera à de la rentrée 2017 pour la promo 2022, qui sera la première génération…