Tragedy hits Sciences Po Community
Sciences Po is a conglomerate of 60 nationalites, coming from 130 different countries, speaking more than 17 languages. We are literally a community open to the world, where students come and leave pieces of their culture within the walls of 27 St Guillaume and in return, Sciences Po sends their brightest to leave footprints across the world. Sciences Po becomes our home, and we become family. We never imagine on our year abroad, for most of us the year of our lives, that something as tragic as an apartment fire can take it all away. Parents don’t ever expect that…
A Foreigner in the French Education System
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.
U Can Study Buzzed University
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.
UCLA Racist and Anti-Americanism
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.
Paris crime and violence not living up to dangerous expectations of Hollywood directors
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.