A foot out the door, in the merde: A professional experience in France
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad says 2011 is a Palestine Promise
Many great men and women have graced the Amphitheater Émile Boutmy at Sciences Po, among the likes include individuals who hold imperative stakes in the ever-changing politics of today’s modern world. In 2010, Sciences Po welcomed an elite guest list; some notably were the President of Georgia and the President of the European Union Council. February 4th proved no different, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority Salam Fayyad graced the Emile Boutmy Amphitheater for a conference titled “A Rendez-Vous with Freeedom, the Palestinian State Building Effort”.
American Dating Game in the City of Love
Mention Paris to anyone in the world, and you’ve instantly filled their head with images of the Eiffel Tower and inescapably, romantic sentiments of l’amour. There is no coincidence as to why Tom Cruise proposed to Katy Holmes at the top of La Tour Eiffel, or why this season’s Gossip Girl premiere took to the streets of Paris to forget past loves and inspire new flames. And let’s not forget Moulin Rouge The Musical, in which Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman fall hopelessly in love above the lights and glamour of Paris. Even American founding father Thomas Jefferson dubbed the…
The French’s many stages of humiliation – and what they have in store for you !
Chaque semaine, Daisy Nguyen, étudiante en troisième année de sciences politiques et de droit à l'Université de Californie, en échange cette année à Sciences Po, nous racontera la vie vue par un bon tiers de la population estudiantine de notre institut - en anglais. Every week, Daisy Nguyen, a third year exchange student from the University of California studying Political Science and Law, will relate life as third of the Sciences Po students see it - in english.